Boð frá Sylviu:
“ As part of a collaborative project led by BUMR and supported by various institutions across the country, we are working to develop new ways to help children thrive in our community. Your experiences and insights are invaluable to us in shaping effective support strategies.
We are hosting a special meeting to hear directly from immigrant families about their experiences, challenges, and suggestions. Your voice is crucial in guiding our efforts to create a more supportive environment for immigrant children and their families.
Please note that you do not need to speak Faroese or English to participate, as BUMR is ready to provide translators if needed
Additionally, if you need to leave work to attend this meeting, BUMR will provide a compensatory fee to support your participation.
This meeting will provide a platform for you to share your stories, discuss your needs, and contribute to solutions that can make a real difference. We genuinely value your input and look forward to your participation.
Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a positive impact.
If you are interested, please call or SMS at tlf. 289394/ 213158 or send me an email to
The meeting is scheduled for Friday, September 20th, and we can arrange it at a time that is most convenient for you between 09:00 and 16:00."
Vinaliga / Kind Regards
Sylvia Magnussen
Mánadag til fríggjadag Addressa |
8.00 - 13.30 Glyvursvegur 44, 160 Argir |
Starvsfólkarúm Arbeiðsrúm Førleikastovan Heilsufrøðingur |
302510 302514 222445 562359 |
Skúlastjórin Varaskúlastjórin Skrivstovukvinnan Skúlavørðar |
224240 227244 506088 215388/211744 |