Our English page. Here you will find information on the subject, assignments and what is going on from time to time.
Tíðir til munnliga roynd í enskum:
1. Kristin: 8.10 – 8.20
2. Maria: 8.25 – 8.35
3. Jónas: 8.40 – 8.50
4. Børka: 8.55 – 9.05
5. Levi: 9.10 – 9.20
6. Elisa: 9.25 – 9.35
7. Hákun: 9.55 – 10.05
8. Birita: 10.10 – 10.20
9. Ragnar: 10.25 – 10.35
10. Teresa: 10.40 – 10.50
11. Uni: 10.55 – 11.05
12. Eryk: 11.10 – 11.20
13. Jens Martin: 11.25 – 11.35
14. Meta: 12.00 – 12.10
15. Dóra: 12.15 – 12.25
16. Kristian: 12.30 – 12.40
17. Hanna: 12.45 – 12.55
18. Elias: 13.00 – 13.10
19. Linda: 13.15 – 13.25
20. Katrin Emilia: 13.30 – 13.40
21. Sandra: 13.45 – 13.55
22. Hans: 14.00 – 14.10
23. Bella: 14.15 – 14.25
Animals Hit the Headlines - a Brainstorm
My pet/Pets
Animal in War
Rescue Dogs/Military Dogs
Aid Dogs/Service Dogs
Test Animals
Pilot Whaling
Sheep Herding
Animal Cruelty
Competition Dogs/Animals
Horseriding/Horse Girls
Dog Training
Animals in Cartoons
Famous Animals in History
First Animal In Space
The Importance of pets/animals
Circus Animals
Animals and People
Spy Animals
Inventions and Animals
Extinct Animals
Ice Age
Work Dogs (drugs, corpses etc)
Therapy Animals
Animals as Food
(Animal Food)
Animals & Diseases
Sea Life and Pollution
Animals in Caring Homes
Faroese Animal Myths & Legends
Animals in Fairy Tales
Animal Symbolism/Aesop Fables
Texts: True Friend, Boys don´t cry, Fight shyness and Ask Alysia. Write down the answers to the following questions.
- what´s the topic and the presented problem(s)?
- how are the presented problems gender related?
- in which way do you recognise yourselves in any of the mentioned topics/problems - which and how?
Animals Hit the Headlines
The first oral assignment of the year was well executed. Oral presentations of various urban legends, some even presented with beautiful Power Points. We heard about The Yeti, Bloody Mary, the myth of the Seal Woman, Teke Teke, Big Foot, Walking Sam and The Hanging Munchkin. Interesting stories!
We will continue reading about different animal myths and legends.
Groups working on Animal myths and legends:
1. Why The Owl Has Big Eyes - Sandra, Maria, Katrin Emilia, Elias, Hákun.
2. The Ungrateful Tiger - Jens Martin, Børka, Hanna, Kristin.
3. Why Bat Has No Friends - Linda, Jónas, Birita, Dóra, Eryk.
4. How Butterflies Came To Be - Bella, Hans, Teresa, Kristian.
5. The Boy Who Loved Bears - Uni, Ragnar, Elisa, Meta, Levi.
Mánadag til fríggjadag Addressa |
8.00 - 13.30 Glyvursvegur 44, 160 Argir |
Starvsfólkarúm Førleikastovan Heilsufrøðingur |
302510 222445 562359 |
Skúlastjórin Varaskúlastjórin Skrivstovukvinnan Skúlavørðar |
224240 227244 506088 215388/211744 |